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This action publishes maven artifacts.


Username and password are not required when publishing to GitHub Packages. (<your_username>/<your_repository>)


To sign the artifacts, MAVEN_GPG_SIGN_PRIVATEKEY and MAVEN_GPG_SIGN_PASSWORD must be set. You can generate a private key using the gpg command line tools:

gpg --full-generate-key
// When asked for the key type, select `RSA (sign only)`.
// For the key size, select `4096`.
// For the expiration date, select `0` to make the key never expire.
// The Key-ID will appear in the output, it will look something like this `A1B2C3D4E5F6G7H8`.
// Use a strong password to protect the key, store it in the `MAVEN_GPG_SIGN_PASSWORD` secret.
gpg --armor --export-secret-keys A1B2C3D4E5F6G7H8 | base64 -w0
// Now store the secret key in the `MAVEN_GPG_SIGN_PRIVATEKEY`


One or multiple of the following rules must be satisfied for the action to be executed.

  • MODULE_BUILD_SYSTEM == "gradle" && getMapValue(ENV, "MAVEN_REPO_URL") != ""
  • MODULE_BUILD_SYSTEM == "maven" && getMapValue(ENV, "MAVEN_REPO_URL") != ""


Property Description
MAVEN_VERSION Overwrites the version of the maven artifact to publish, defaults to the git tag or branch name.
MAVEN_REPO_URL* The URL of the maven repository to publish to.
MAVEN_REPO_USERNAME The username to use for authentication with the maven repository.
MAVEN_REPO_PASSWORD The password to use for authentication with the maven repository.
MAVEN_GPG_SIGN_PRIVATEKEY The ASCII-armored private key (base64 encoded).
MAVEN_GPG_SIGN_PASSWORD The password for the private key.
MAVEN_GPG_SIGN_KEYID The GPG key ID, only required when using sub keys.
GITHUB_ACTOR The GitHub actor to use for pushing the artifacts to a maven repository on GitHub Packages (
GITHUB_TOKEN The GitHub token to use for pushing the artifacts to a maven repository on GitHub Packages (