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CID is a powerful open source utility that enables developers to build and run platform-agnostic continuous integration (CI) actions and workflows.


  • Prebuilt Workflows - We provide fully prebuilt CI workflows, that can build, test and publish projects that follow common conventions.
  • Extensible - CID was designed to be flexible and extensible, allowing users to customize the CI process to fit their specific needs.

Getting Started

To use CID for local testing or on a CI platform, please pick the appropriate guide from the following list:

  1. Local
  2. GitHub Actions
  3. GitLab CI
  4. ...

Shared Workflows

Check out the getting started section first, you will be able to use all of the prebuilt workflows.


  • Platform agnostic: CID is designed to be compatible with a wide range of platforms and environments.
  • High degree of reusability: CID is designed to be highly reusable, allowing users to easily incorporate existing actions into their projects and workflows.